General Info
Brown Hill Cricket Club aims to provide a safe, enjoyable cricket environment where skill development is the key to having fun in the sun
We have three basic rules:
We will have fun at cricket
All of us will have fun together
We will have lots of fun in the sun
For Under 11 and Under 13 age groups we encourage participation from Parents as much as possible. See the Parents tab for more information
For Under 15 and under 17 ages we move on to the skills and game awareness needed to transition to senior cricket while still making sure everyone has a good game
We have values that align with the Spirit of Cricket that we want players to know and live. See the Players Tab for more on this.
We offer comprehensive coaching and team management so that our players can learn and develop their game - contributing to success and enjoyment. See the Coaching tab for more on this.
Check the other tabs for specific information
We value the involvement of parents in the development of cricketing skills and confidence. We know that our cricketers will often spend hours in backyards, schools and local parks developing and showing off their abilities. Parents can help in many ways and it is more than just taxi service and buying equipment.
Five things parents can do to help their developing cricketer:
Positive participation. This is all about giving a young cricketer the confidence to try new things and, inevitably, taking time to learn some complex skills. DO offer encouragement. It is the foundation for building confidence. No need to be unrealistically OTT however something like "good start!" or "getting there" helps ensure they keep trying. DO give a well done when they have tried hard. The success can come later. Try not to be too critical of skill errors or losing concentration. They are young people and a lot of the cricket is after long days at school.
Be there for them. By this we mean to take the time to listen to their stories and help them keep a level view of themselves and what has happened. Remind them of the player values if needed and reward good performances, hard work and effort with simple recognition that you saw them do well. Come and join your cricketers for our sausage sizzles, presentation night and Christmas events. Always a highlight.
Be a role model. We want our young players to live the Spirit of Cricket. They look up to parents for an example of how to behave. Be the role model that we all would be proud of. Respect for other players (either side!), coaches and officials is the key value. Let mistakes go with a "better luck next time". Young people respond to that well.
Offer to help out on game day. Helping out with scoring, ground setup, umpiring and a bit of assistance handling protective equipment will assist the coaches and team manager to do their full on role on game days. Sometimes a little crowd control is needed when players are waiting to bat so helping to organise them can be a great help. Kids love to see parents be part of their cricket, at least until they are teenagers.
Kids love to have cricket gear. The club provides a comprehensive kit for all grades so parents do not need to buy anything up front. Players will want to get their own things so look at protective equipment such as a "box" and helmet that fits perfectly. Bats and practice balls will always be wanted. Pads and gloves are always there in the kit. Speak to coaches for recommendations. Shirts and caps are part of the team identification that players enjoy. We keep a stock of sizes - kids grow!
Brown Hill Cricket Club hopes you enjoy junior cricket as mush as the players do.
At Brown Hill cricket club, we aim to provide a safe, enjoyable environment for young people to develop as cricketers and as a person. Cricket provides and opportunity for young people to be involved in an exciting and healthy outdoor activity in the warmer months of they year.
We firmly believe in providing everyone with opportunities to enjoy their cricket and that inclusiveness is a key part of that. We support and encourage players form diverse backgrounds, girls and boys all have the ability to play and enjoy their cricket. here is our commitment to players:
Four things we commit to for our developing cricketer so they enjoy their cricket:
We will coach players so that they develop skills and attitudes that allow them to be good cricketers and good young men and women. We invest hundreds of hours of volunteer work to run our junior program and keep the cost as low as possible
We are committed to fairness and opportunity for all. We live the values embedded in the Spirit of Cricket. Respect for team mates, the opposition, officials and team manager/coaches is the core. It is never about giving a few best players all the game time. It is about an even chance for all to enjoy their cricket. Coaches and team managers set this tone.
- We are committed to player safety. We care about physical safety and personal wellbeing. Our club is a Child Safe compliant club and we have a dedicated Child Safety officer, Steve Blomeley who can take feedback and complaints if any arise. All coaches have Working with Children clearances. We make sure that players use appropriate protective equipment, have safe levels of workload (older players mainly) and learn to execute their skills well so they avoid injury. We promote a culture of supportive and fun banter, avoiding negativity or unhelpful criticism.
- We promote inclusiveness. This is about making sure that anyone from different backgrounds will feel welcome and a part of out junior cricket. We have a focus on inclusion of those from overseas that aligns with our senior open teams consisting of many players from subcontinental heritage. We are actively building our female participation with the Women's team and girls in our under age teams - this is a key focus of the club over the next 3 years. We have arrangements in place for families who face financial difficulties to further ensure that cricket can be for all.
Brown Hill Cricket Club hopes you enjoy junior cricket .
At BHCC, we believe that everyone benefits from our junior players getting the best coaching that we can give them. We appoint a Coach/Manager for each team to look after game day and team organisation. We make sure that there is support for these key people. That support is from:
Junior Coordinator and President, Phil Knowles who makes sure that our players have the right equipment, apparel and the most important thing - BBQs through the season. Also represents the club at the BCA
Our Junior Coaching Panel, This includes four full time skills coaches who are there on training nights to give young players the opportunity to learn and practice their cricket skills. We make sure that we cover batting, bowling, fielding and game sense - the base from which players are able to enjoy what they do and talk excitedly about it to their friends and family.
Rostered senior players. We have a roster that provides two of our senior players at training or a game to help with further passing on skills and experience. Players from the top three grades help out once or twice a year in this capacity.
Parents. Parents are an important part of junior cricket. We encourage them to help out with umpiring, ground setup, crowd control on the sidelines and with fitting protective equipment for the younger ones.
Checkout the coaches in the main Junior page for a bit of their background.
At Brown Hill Cricket Club, our Juniors are a top priority. It is a whole club thing. Love to have you as part of what we are doing.